Personal Colour Analysis

Did you know that the right colours can make you look younger, healthier and happier?
This is because the colours that suit you will focus the attention on your eyes. They also make the skin appear smoother, and put more colour in the cheeks and lips, so that you look more radiant. The wrong colours, on the other hand, will draw the attention to skin blemishes and wrinkles, and often make the eyes look dull and give a "downturn" to the mouth.
You will also notice that focusing the attention on your eyes, using the right colours, will make people more attentive to what you are saying, thereby increasing your influence at work and socially. Also, looking good will make you feel good, and project a positive attitude that others will pick up on and reflect back to you.
The most advanced system for Colour Analysis

I use the Absolute Colour System, developed by Imogen Lamport from Bespoke Image in Melbourne. It is the most scientifically sound, accurate and easy-to-use colour system available. Comprising 18 categories (9 warm and 9 cool), with delectable names like Spicy, Sublime and Mysterious, you will get the most reliable and precise colour analysis, and can completely trust the outcome.
Many of my clients have had colour analysis done using a different system, but have found that many of the colours they'd been matched with don't work for them. I can guarantee you will immediately love all the colours you are given with the Absolute Colour System, and that you will receive many compliments wearing them! Your colour swatch has over 50 shades that are right for you, and can be kept in your handbag, at hand whenever you go shopping. This means that you never have to guess a colour, and you'll never get caught buying something you won't wear.
What is included in a Colour Analysis?
Pocket-sized Colour Swatch with over 50 colours that to take shopping with you.
A personalised Colour Booklet with notes on your ideal colour combinations, which you can refer to again and again.
Specific instructions regarding your colour and value contrast levels and how they influence your ideal colour combinations
Your best neutrals and your best shade of white
Hair Colour advice and notes.
Your best metals
Advice on shoes, bags, glasses, jeans and more.
Makeup lesson in your best colours.
Bring your makeup along for colour assessment!

Clients "before & after"
Every time I dress to your guidelines and suggestions, I get compliments. In fact someone actually said to me the other day, "Oh that's right, you've had your colours done!". Thank you from the bottom of my heart. - Jill
Online Colour Analysis
If you can't get to me in Perth, then the internet is our best friend.
I can do your colour analysis remotely and accurately with a three-step process that gives results as good as an in-person consultation, so that you get the benefit of knowing the exact colours that suit you best.